Kindergarten Transition

Kindergarten Transition

Welcome to Kindergarten

We are so excited to have our Kindergarteners join our Graysville family! In order to make our newest students and their families feel welcome and informed we have put together several handout to help make the transition a little easier for everyone. Please take moment to review the documents linked below and always feel free to contact Stephanie McGuire, Parent Involvement Coordinator, with any questions you may have regarding the leap into elementary school. 

Graysville links
2024-2025 Kindergarten Supply List
Welcome to Kindergarten
8 Ways to Prepare your Child for Kindergarten
How to Prepare your Child for Kindergarten
Summer PreK to Kindergarten Transition Ideas
Summer Transition Reading Suggestions
A Parent Institute booklet titled Off to a Good Start  is available in the link or a hard copy may be requested from Parent Resource Workroom. *Also available online in Spanish.

Georgia Department of Education links
Get Ready for Kindergarten Skills Sheet
Kindergarten Transitions Guide for Families(English)
Kindergarten Transitions Guide for Families (Spanish)
Kindergarten Transitions Video (English)
Kindergarten Transitions Video (Spanish)