What is F.A.S.T.?
F.A.S.T. stand for Family Academic Support Team and is a partnership built between our school, our families, and our students to increase student achievement. Studies have repeatedly shown that parent involvement is the key to improved student success. The F.A.S.T. meeting is an easy way to strengthen this involvement!
When is GES F.A.S.T.?
We host F.A.S.T. meetings twice a year. Students will be sent home with a packet containing all the information you will need to attend this online meeting. We have a short presentation recorded for you to watch that goes along with the testing results for you to review at your convenience. This online format has proven to be more family friendly in that parents can view at a time and in a place most beneficial to them and allow for additional review.
Why should I attend the F.A.S.T. meeting?
All GES students are taking the MAP benchmark test this year. The MAP Assessment is somewhat new to our district and will be discussed in detail for our parents to better understand the reports that are sent home. This test measures what a student knows and where they need improvement. Students will also share their goals for the school year. By taking part in this brief presentation, parents will gain insight into their student’s academic achievement and learn ways to help with academic progress at home
Students spend 12% of their time at school, 33% of their time sleeping and 55% of their time at home or participating in extracurricular activities*. Learning must continue at home to increase student success!
*based on 6 hours of school instruction 180 days a year and 8 hours of sleep time.
School Learning + Home Learning = Improved Student Achievement